CLICK HERE for a story from the Garden
The Storyteller's Garden is in the centre of the beautiful village of Grasmere in the Lake District. The garden is home to TALES IN TRUST, a resource centre for storytelling in the north of England, where information on storytelling events is available. The Garden is closed throughout January, February and March to allow the plants and the stories that grow there to replenish. The Garden opens, refreshed , for our customary rich mixture of stories, egg-painting, egg-rolling and egg-hunting (squirrels permitting!) at Easter.

The lovely garden, a National Trust property, is a unique venue where family storytelling performances take place seasonally, usually at Bank Holidays, or by arrangement for groups.
You can find details of events in the Garden at Garden Events

or Tour Schedule.
Events often include musicians and jugglers. In the evenings, braziers and torches are lit for warmth and atmosphere